


松涛連盟特有の古典型・百八歩という型を中心に稽古をし、松涛館本来の基本を香川首席師範からチューブなどを使い学びました。 このような講習会を3年ぶりに開催することができ、首席師範初め指導員並びに海外の参加者と有意義な時間を共有できたことをとてもうれしく思うと共に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。

The 2022 JKS International Seminar

About 80 participants from 25 countries participated in the seminar.

Kagawa Shihan taught the basic Kihon and Kata using rubber tubes and various aspects of Kumite. Also, the participants practiced Shotokan Kata and Koten Kata, and for the first time, they learned the new Kata Hyakuhachi Ho, the Shotokan version of the Okinawan Kata Suparinpei.

We are glad and grateful to have been able to hold the seminar for the first time in three years and to share a meaningful time with Kagawa Shihan, the JKS Headquarters Instructors, and the overseas participants.

We would like to express our gratitude to every participant for dedicating time and effort to support our seminar.